Discover Effective Skin Tag Removal Treatment

Nov 8, 2023

The Importance of Skin Health at Knott's Dermatology

At Knott's Dermatology, we understand the significance of maintaining healthy and beautiful skin. As a trusted leader in the fields of beauty & spas, medical spas, and dermatology, we are committed to offering our clients a range of comprehensive services, including top-notch skin tag removal treatments.

Understanding Skin Tags

Skin tags are common growths that typically occur in areas where the skin folds or rubs against itself. While they are usually harmless, these small, soft, and flesh-colored growths can cause discomfort or cosmetic concerns. That's why many individuals seek professional skin tag removal procedures to restore their skin's smoothness and appearance.

The Leading Skin Tag Removal Treatments at Knott's Dermatology

At Knott's Dermatology, we employ state-of-the-art techniques and cutting-edge technology to offer our clients effective and safe skin tag removal treatments. Our experienced dermatologists specialize in various procedures designed to cater to each individual's specific needs.


Cryotherapy is one of the most common and popular methods for removing skin tags. It involves freezing the skin tag using liquid nitrogen, which destroys the cells and causes them to fall off. This non-invasive treatment is relatively quick and generally well-tolerated by patients.


For those who prefer a more targeted approach, electrocautery is an excellent option. This procedure uses high-frequency electrical currents to burn and remove the skin tags. It provides precise control and can be performed with minimal discomfort.

Surgical Excision

In cases where skin tags are larger or more complex, surgical excision may be recommended. During this procedure, our skilled dermatologists carefully cut off the skin tag using surgical tools. We ensure that patients feel comfortable throughout the process and keep scarring to a minimum.

Laser Removal

At Knott's Dermatology, we harness the power of laser technology to offer our clients an advanced skin tag removal treatment. Laser removal targets the skin tag, breaking it apart without damaging the nearby tissue. This method is precise, effective, and requires minimal recovery time.

Why Choose Knott's Dermatology for Your Skin Tag Removal?

When it comes to skin tag removal, choosing a reputable dermatologist is crucial. At Knott's Dermatology, we pride ourselves on offering exceptional care and results. Here are just a few reasons why our clients trust us with their skin tag removal needs:

  • Expertise: Our team of experienced dermatologists specializes in various skin treatments, ensuring that you receive personalized care tailored to your specific requirements.
  • Advanced Technology: We continuously invest in state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to provide the most effective skin tag removal treatments available.
  • Compassionate Approach: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We strive to create a warm and welcoming environment where you feel at ease throughout your skin tag removal journey.
  • Customized Solutions: We understand that each individual is unique, so we take the time to assess your skin and develop a personalized treatment plan that best suits your needs.
  • Beautiful Results: Our goal is to help you achieve clear, smooth, and healthy skin. With our expertise and advanced techniques, we ensure that you leave our clinic feeling confident and rejuvenated.

Take the First Step Towards Clearer Skin

If you're looking for effective skin tag removal treatment, look no further than Knott's Dermatology. With our commitment to excellence and innovative approaches, we are confident in delivering outstanding results.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let our team of knowledgeable dermatologists guide you towards achieving the clear and radiant skin you deserve!